
Konnichiwa 今日は

Today as i was browsing fb i saw a lot of posts which are like please like and comment on this post. I know we all crave for attention. But that doesnt mean we should beg for likes or followers r comments. Comments upto a certain point may be acceptable as they show us what the looker has in his mind but a forced like or a forced following doesnt make any sense. I know when we put something on these social networks or saw we do something to stand out of the crowd we assume that someone would comment r saw i liked it for the thing we do. But when we do something socially r we like hey may if u r my friend r if u r my follower or henchman r my %$#% u have to say that u like it. Arent we being too bossy,selfish r perhaps i must say immature. Such times come in relationships as well.Wherein one of the persons has done somethin cool (Atleast in his/her terms) and expects that his better half would like it cmon its nothing wrong in expecting somethin from someone right. But here comes the tricky part the opposite person didnt find it cool.. What now?? The person gets immensly confused and doesnt know what to say. The right thing to do here is to tell the opposite person what you feel. True in the short run have hurt their feelings or shattered their hopes but then in the long run it really helps. Its possible that in the future the opposite person wont do the same thing. Lets put in another scenario that such things happen in the future as well den what.. U cant be blatant everytime right ... So what  know.. Change your taste den take it in diplomatic way.. I wont show u how but figure it out yourself (i.e I am not in a relationship.. Jus kidding I think you are old enough to do that) Lets take another scenario u keep on liking the shit for most of the times (read as all) then my friend u either r gonna change ur taste soon/r being bossed around (Do SOMETHING)/ and possibly this may end ur relationship soon bcos if u dont accept the thing u keep on hating it there will b a time that all that hate will come out and take ur ship with it (Considering that ur not some awesome saint who can control his anger at will)... It seems we have drifted away from the topic of likes n comments.. Every man is born free (technically its impossible imagine what all your mother ate to keep u alive and unless ur in UK and other awesom countries it wasnt free) is a really big statement. He has right to choose whatever is right for him and wrong. One shouldnt boss on him what to do. Unless he is mentally ill... LOL These days i see political parties all are like vote for me vote for me.... What the fuck have u done that we have to vote you n just u.. All we know is that you n people like you (Teri Jaat waale) are responsible for my this fucked up shitty crappy state of mind... Sigh  How very rude pathetic and demanding asking for votes.. Vote for what u like not for what you are made to like... Lastly all i would like to say is
"VOTE FOR MODI" . Seriously do what you want but do it in such a way that everyone is happy..
Technically its impossible unless ur in Varanasi as thats where he is contesting elections from. ;)
Anyways thanks a lot for reading. Please do comment as it tells me what goes in your head after this pathetic piece of shitty junkyard crappy non sensible but truly awesom entertaining humorous educational romantic article... Thank You once again .... Share if u liked it..

Arigato ありがとう 
