Break Free

That you are reading this means that I've finally started writing again. Yes, for the past 2 years or so, I stopped writing blog posts. The reason, I still don't know. Maybe, I was too lazy, maybe I got hooked onto something else (reddit) or maybe I didn't have any words to share with this world. Instead of looking at why I couldn't do it, lets focus on the article at hand.

That I can type this out and share with the world means that I've finally broken free and want to share with the world. It also implies that I can finally bypass that filter that stops us from doing things. Thoughts like "what will person X think of me?" and blah blah.. always stop us from doing stuff and taking the leap. It is that thing that prevents us from taking that plunge, going out and proposing to that girl you think was cute and you need to take things a step forward ;)

So with that off my chest, TBH I'm pretty much out of ideas to share with the world. There is a shit load of stuff that I wish to do but I've got no time to finish each one of them. Yeah, finally the time management freak who juggled friends, studies, development, gaming, reddit, anime, reading books admits that he has no time to do stuff, in a fucking vacation. Reading the previous sentence literally makes me laugh out loud. Ironic isn't it.

I know the cause of it too. Just like when a man has no money and has to do a lot with the money, he manages the little money he has in the best way possible, but when he gets a shitload of money he goes fucking crazy. Time is similar. Earlier I had a set hour to manage. Go to college, study, and manage the rest of the time for the other stuff. Then going to college was a definite and static part. A basis for the rest of the activities. For now I have no such base. The moment, I sit down to do a task the other tasks scream for attention or some one has to fucking interrupt.

The worst part of this is that, I can't say no to them as they have the ultimate reason given to all of humanity "You are on vacation, you have plenty of time" as if people on vacation have more than 24hrs with them. This is fucking ridiculous, during vacation the time suddenly and magically increase out of thin air. NO IT FUCKING DOESNOT. So please stop giving me work out of nowhere, specially when I'm in the middle of something.

Okay the last part was a blatant rant. My sincere apologies for deviating from the topic. So what was the topic again. I really don't know. Yeah, now I remember "To Break Free". No I'm not going to describe how to break free, someone who has escaped a prison is better suited to do that. Nor am I going to be like okay, do this this and this and kaboom you are now free. When I look at it, it is honestly the most difficult easy thing to do. Many movies may show that to break free you need to toil and drop that sweat, fight and punch and kick and do all sorts of work. It is that and one crucial thing, determination. Yeah I put that "D" word in there.

In my case, I simply sat down on my laptop (okay in front of it) and started typing my mind out. No prior prep or jotting of notes. Just typing it out. I probably won't even proof read it before hitting the "Publish" button. Basically, I just started and turned off my "will it look good" filter. And went on and on. Like in my case, you just need to start. And after you start, you may often feel to stop whatever the fuck you are doing and turning on the fuckin filter. Thats when you don't stop, you go on, not thinking about the world, not thinking about what others will think, whether you look awkward or not. All you think about is continuing and going on and on and on and on. That was a lot of on's in a sentence.

Yaay a new paragraph. So continuing, you also need to distract yourself, like mentioning how amazing the song the song I'm playing is "I want to know what love is" is the song I'm playing. Yeah that song. When you put stuff like this in the middle, it makes stuff interesting and makes you feel a bit less bored. In my life there's been heartache and pain I dunno if I can face it again, I can't stop now ... okay I forgot the rest of the lyrics. AAAHH HAAHHAN AAHHHAAN (That's the most accurate description of the last line of the song, okay closest should be the word here)

I guess this is pretty long for a almost pointless blog post. But then hey, it is still better than nothing at all. Was it difficult, not as difficult as Super Meat Boy, but then I had fun typing it out.

The true reason I'm typing this out is because I feel I'm loosing my grasp and command over the English language. I first realized it while I was doing the documentation of my final year project and so this was a step to counter it. Anyways, I hope I helped you with my empty advice, but above all I'm satisfied that I could type out this big an article again after like a pretty long time. I might go through my initial articles and see how good or bad they were (I miss my tumblr) and that might change the quality of the next article.

Hitting the publish button.

Okay I might stop the #dayinatweet soon. ;)
